Different Parts of Florida Require Different Levels of Hurricane Protection

florida home - hurricane protection concept image

Depending on where you’re living in the great state of Florida, you may need more hurricane protection than you currently have. Different parts of Florida are exposed to varying levels of intensity from any hurricanes that make land.

Knowing the typical or maximum strength of the winds caused by hurricanes in your area can dictate the required level of hurricane protection. Sarasota (FL) residents may remember coming under threat of Tropical Storm Eta last year, despite the area not usually being affected by such storms. This is a great reminder of the unpredictability of these storms, and the necessity of hurricane protection (Sarasota FL or elsewhere in FL) in your homes.

Here is a look at the different parts of Florida, and how much protection they require from hurricanes.

Inland Central Florida

Almost all parts of Florida are prone to being affected by the many hurricanes and tropical storms produced in the Atlantic Ocean each year. While they do lose strength as they make landfall, they can still be of great danger to the homes and lives of those living inland. Due to the nature of hurricanes, which is ultimately defined by its wind speed and the amount of water they’re carrying, there are two potential threats hurricanes pose to inland houses.

Flash Floods

The aforementioned storm, Eta, caused severe flash flooding in South Florida by dropping as much as 13 inches of rain in certain areas. While there isn’t much one can do to prevent flooding, it’s good to be prepared by moving valuables off the ground. As well as looking up your local evacuation areas and emergency numbers. Check out KnowYourZone for more info.


With the conditions that cause hurricanes, we can also see the spawning of sometimes several tornadoes at once. Good forms of hurricane protection such as impact windows and hurricane shutters can help you to protect your house and family.

Northern Florida

Northern Florida is often mistaken for an area which isn’t so affected by hurricanes and tropical storms. In fact, Northwest Florida is one of the most-affected areas in Florida, due to its proximity to the Gulf of Mexico. The Northeast however is much less affected, despite still being on the cusp of the Atlantic Ocean.

Frequency of Hurricanes in NW Florida

The best indication of whether or not you may need better hurricane protection is by looking at the frequency in which hurricanes have occured in your area. Northwest Florida has had 66 hurricanes since they began to be recorded in 1851 by the Saffir/Simpson Scale.

Frequency of Hurricanes in NE Florida

Northeastern Florida has had 26 hurricanes since 1851, which averages out at roughly one hurricane every 6.5 years. Due to the cooler waters in this region, as well as a cooler climate, hurricanes which come through the Caribbean are far more likely to stay at sea longer. Instead they may begin curling towards the U.S. to make landfall in North or South Carolina.

Southern Florida and Coastal Florida

The Coastal and Southern parts of Florida are the most affected by hurricanes, as they sit in close proximity to the Gulf of Mexico. Therefore, quality hurricane protection is absolutely vital in ensuring the safety of your home and family.

High Velocity Hurricane Zones

A common term used to describe these areas is “High Velocity Hurricane Zones” (or HVHZs), which refers to the typical or expected wind speeds caused by hurricanes in these areas. Knowing whether or not your home is in a HVHZ can be simple:

  • All areas within Miami-Dade and Broward County are considered HVHZs and should have protection for expected winds of up to or over 140mph.
  • Anywhere within 1 mile of the coast around Florida is prone to extreme winds caused as the storms make landfall.

High Quality Hurricane Protection

There are several aspects which will dictate the efficacy of any hurricane protection in your home, and making sure you’ve considered these can ensure the security of your home and family.

  • Make sure all hurricane protection products have gone through the necessary testing for both high wind speeds and impact.
  • Any installers you hire should be experienced and qualified to do so.
  • The hurricane protection system you utilize should be usable by either parent in family homes, or each house member in flatting scenarios. Some systems have heavy shutters which one person can’t manage, if you can’t implement your system, then you may as well have no protection.

Hurricane Protection in Sarasota FL

Here at Sun and Storm systems we have a range of products aimed at hurricane protection in Sarasota FL. Our products will be installed by our experienced staff. If you’re looking for hurricane protection in Sarasota FL, then look no further than us. Contact us today!